Thursday 7 November 2019

Event Marketing - Different Types Of Content To Make Event Marketing Viral

In this digital marketing era, to make your event marketing reach targeted audience in a quick time, you can use social media and email as the best practice. Email and social media channels are widely used by event marketers to maximize your ROI. But there are several different contents that will make your event marketing go viral. Some of them are discussed below:

1. Blog Posts: It is one of the simplest and effective ways for event marketing purposes. You can create a post about the event and if the audience likes the content, they can share it on social media channels. It is also good to link the website URL in the blog posts to drive traffic to the website.

2. Videos: This is a much better option than content when you are going for a series of events. You can create video clips with the speakers about events and the audience will get a taste of what they are going to see.

3. Email: Email marketing is one of the best ways to get in touch with the audience before and after the event. It is also important because people are interested in your email and not because they find your website with the search engine. You can use email marketing to announce future events, remind the audience and get the feedback after the event.

4. Podcasts: Podcasts are highly engaging similar to videos, but are used in a different way. You can use podcasts to announce future events if you create it regularly for different purposes like interviews with guest speakers, snippets from attendees, etc.

5. Ebooks: If you want to thank the audience for coming, you can send ebooks and other resources that expand the topics discussed in the events. We as human beings love free things, but it is best if it is of more value to them so that they will again come to attend the next event.

6. Social Media Posts: Almost every person uses Facebook, Twitter or any other social media channel and it can be the best option to make your event marketing go viral. You can link relevant blog posts on social media and ask the audience if they have any questions about the event. Paid posts are also a great way to attract targeted audience.

7. Surveys: Interactive Content like Surveys are a good source to get audience feedback after the event, but it can be used before the event date or during the event to see audience experiences. This helps to alter your presentation accordingly so that everyone would love to join your event again and again.

So, the above-mentioned types of content can actually make your event marketing go viral.

Monday 28 October 2019

Interactive Experiences – 3 Reasons That Make People Like Interactive Experiences

With emerge of new technologies day by day, people also like new interactive experiences when it comes to interacting with a new brand/product. Companies need to use sophisticated marketing techniques to impress and engage with customers. Below mentioned are the three main reasons that make people prefer interactive experiences:

1. Sensory Thing: Interactive Experience creates a more powerful and lasting impression in people’s minds and thus can be effective in inspiring action. If they like what they feel good via their senses, there are high chances that your brand will be in their mind for a longer period of time and can help you increase your customer count.

2. Experiential Projects Inspiration: It is a true inspiration for experiential projects as interactive experiences help people to understand everything better and can easily recognize the pros of the specified product. Interactive Experiences technology is best when you want to target people to show how your brand/products can benefit them easily and within their budget.

3. Data-Driven: The benefit of interactive experiences when it comes to people is that it ensures that they get what they are looking for. In today’s time, message bombardment makes it difficult for different brands to get new customers and they have to create new ways to impress the targeted audience, so they can sell their service/product to more and more people.

So, the above-mentioned points clearly show why people prefer interactive experiences in their daily life while dealing with new brand/products they see.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Experiential Marketing – 5 Qualities That Ensures Professional Experiential Marketing Agency

Experiential Marketing is an effective way to make people aware of your brand product/service. It is an effective tool whether it is an established event or consistent presence in a venue that connects with the brand. It is very difficult to choose a professional experiential marketing agency among multiple agencies. One needs to be precise while hiring an agency as experiential marketing it directly connects the product to the consumers. Below mentioned are the five qualities that will ensure professional experiential marketing agency are:

1. Track Record: When you want experiential marketing campaigns for your brand products, you need to find an agency with a proven track record in running successful experiential marketing campaigns. The agency should also make sure that the service is being displayed right.

2. Desired Footprints: If you need to run the experiential marketing campaign in a particular territory or region, it is a good option to choose an agency that can fulfill the specific need. If your campaign is for the local market, a small agency is resourceful that can use the local connection to enhance the campaign and for regional or national efforts, a large firm is enough to broadcast it in several different areas.

3. Relationship: The campaign success depends heavily on the experiential marketing agency established a relationship with the location within the time period of their existence. Are they available to provide you all the requirements that your campaign requires? If yes, then you should with that agency without much thinking.

4. Billing Transparency: As an experiential marketing campaign consists of moving parts with a different cost like the cost of the venue, live-stream event costs. There should be transparency in billing for all the expenses done for the campaigns.

5. Measurable Metric Emphasis: It involves the success measure of the campaign. Is it the number of event attendees or brand venue sponsored or is it the amount of sign up that people do for your service or buy your product? All need to be clearly defined before starting the marketing campaign.

So, the above-mentioned points clearly define the qualities an experiential marketing agency should have to make your experiential marketing campaign successful.

Friday 4 October 2019

3 Vital Reasons To Use Animated GIFs In Email Marketing

GIF is an image file type that is designed specifically for the web. It is mostly used because of its small size, but it can also be used to create animation in email while doing email marketing. Animated GIFs ensures you can see scrolling features, products in a different color or blinking call to action button without leaving the inbox to visit a website. Three vital reasons to use animated GIFs in Email while performing email marketing are as follows:

1. Highlight Products: Email marketing is always considered one of the best ways to promote products, but in limited space. It’s often seen your email may get unnoticed in a heap of similar type messages. Animated GIFs can help you reach people without worrying about segmentation and using advanced email analytics. This can prove beneficial when you are not sure of what users want.

2. Product Demonstrations: It often happens that some products require little explanation before actually applauding their benefits as compare to the one that doesn’t need explanation. In that case, too, animated GIFs can prove fruitful to your email marketing campaign.

3. Call to Action: This is a very important part of any type of campaign. If you have set up the text and photos section perfectly and failed to create an appealing call to action, then your whole hard work may go in vain. Animated GIFs can help you create an eye-catching call to action to help you gain more and more output for which email marketing campaign was set up.

So, the above-mentioned reasons clearly define the benefits of animated GIFs in an Email marketing campaign to make it a success easily.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Brand Activation – 3 Important Methods To Activate A Brand

Brand Activation refers to the process of making people know your brand and increase awareness and engagement through some kind of experience. It helps to introduce a new brand or business to the relevant people and get customers. There are different methods available for brand activation, but the three most important methods to activate a brand effectively are as mentioned below:

1. Experiential Marketing: One of the best methods for brand activation is by making them experience your brand the very first time. Experiential Marketing has gained immense popularity in the last few years and it can be a strong mean to introduce your brand in front of people and remain in their minds without any difficulty.

2. Sampling Campaigns: This type of method includes giving your brand products to the people so that they can try it and give their feedback. This also gives them an opportunity to talk about your brand in front of other people and hence the brand activation will be done in an effective way. But you need to make sure it must be done timely and you have to be creative to achieve the best results.

3. In-store or Event Promotion: Customers can touch and interact with the brand in this in-store or event promotion method. This is also a good brand activation way as after touching your product, customer can make their mind about how beneficial is your product to them or other people.

So, the above-mentioned methods can help in brand activation by making people aware of your brand service or products in an effective way.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Experiential Marketing – 4 Major Benefits of Experiential Marketing in Brand Activation

Experiential Marketing is also known as Engagement Marketing is a trend to market a product/service via customers’ experiences and is a way for the companies to help stand out their product from their competitors. Below mentioned are the four major benefits of this new approach in Brand Activation:

1. Effective and Result-Oriented: It is seen from the recent studies that experiential marketing gives results quickly whether you are looking for immediate sales, increase in awareness, increase customer perception or generate new queries. Due to its high result oriented approach, many marketers believe that experiential marketing is more effective than that of content, email, social media or traditional marketing.

2. New Brand Experience Way: By using non traditional marketing ways, experiential marketing generates authentic brand awareness and this gets customers attention and helps them to remember the brand. Customers’ come to know the product via the senses and thus create a strong bond between people and products to which they interact. This also ensures customers form a positive opinion about the product/service.

3. New Way to Use Social Media: As social media has gained popularity in this digital era, the use of experiential marketing has made the social media a more powerful tool. It encourages the people to capture and share the visual content and thus helps to expand the campaign to more and more people.

4. Interaction with Brand: It is the bitter truth that people have to interact with any brand before making any positive or negative opinion. Experiential marketing allows a brand to show its best part to the customer and win the truth and increase brand value.

So, the above mentioned benefits clearly show how this marketing can boost your brand in an easy and quick way.